Cooperation of social businesses and municipalities - stories of experience
Cooperation of
social businesses and municipalities? The Association of Social
Entrepreneurship has collected stories of experience, conclusions and
recommendations in a new publication that is available in three languages -
Latvia, Russian and English Here. A big thank you
The Nordic Council of Ministers and The Nordic Council for the support in creating the publication.
Valuable experience stories about cooperation of social
businesses and local municipalities, as well as answers to questions about the
role of social entrepreneurship in the context of Latvia and it’s neighbor
countries. You can read our story there as well.
Social Entrepreneurship in Latvia: 19 Stories of Success
On November 16, the Day of Social Entrepreneurship, the Association of Social Entrepreneurship presented their newest project - issue called “Social Entrepreneurship in Latvia: 19 Stories of Success”.…/socil-uzmjdarbba-lat…
This issue is in three languages and includes success stories of Latvian social entrepreneurship - the big ones and also the newer fighters that have made their first steps as social entrepreneurs. We are happy that Tuvu is also included in this issue and evaluated as a story of success. Thank you to that this movement in Latvia has settled its roots and is growing into a great tree!
Project “Establishing a Multifunctional Social Help Centre for Society “Tuvu”” has been confirmed
We are very, very glad, because our project
“Establishing a Multifunctional Social Help Centre for Society “Tuvu”” has been
confirmed! It means that the most difficult part of the project is still ahead
of us, but the result will be wonderful, so we are very excited to start
implementing the changes! Thank you to Country partnership “Lielupe” and Country
support service for
the opportunity!
As one of society’s “Tuvu” services to socially
disadvantaged person groups is providing humane help with the means of shoes,
clothing, food, furniture, household items etc. For 7 years these services were
provided in the property premises of company UPPE. These rooms didn’t have utilities, no access to
people with special needs, and with the growing demand they have become too
small for fulfilling the mentioned purpose. Also, the premises are necessary
for the company itself. UPPE gives our society the option to use 3 large
warehouses, but they are in a very bad technical condition. The current
premises will be renovated into a multifunctional social help centre, where w
will receive cargoes form Germany, the goods will be sorted and distributed to
socially disadvantaged person groups in Latvia. Children will have the
opportunity to play in children’s corner, we will also host different events
organized by society “Tuvu” to target groups. The necessary equipment and
furniture for the Centre will be received from Germany partners in the way of
donation. About the